

aboutUs mida office


Адреса: БУЛ. 8-МИ СЕПТЕМВРИ 18 
Телефон:+389 75 262 048


MIDA Rent a Car (MIDA), located within the premises of Skopje “International Airport Skopje” Airport and headquartered in “Business Center MIDA” in Skopje, is one of the best rent a car companies in Macedonia.  As a proud rent a car booking leader MIDA Rent a Car offers a variety of transfer services in and around Skopje, as well as any location in Macedonia, including shuttle transfers for small groups and large families, or private transfers for couples and single travelers. 

MIDA Rent a Car has a successful business cooperation with all Government Institutions for the purposes of transportation and accommodation of foreign VIP guests-delegations. In addition to organizing hotel accommodation, transport and services to the members and staff of official delegations, we also assist them with organizing conferences, congresses and seminars.

For longer period MIDA Rent a Car cooperates with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Office of the Prime Minister, Office of the President, The Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Defense, and other national and foreign agencies and organizations. 

Regardless of your purpose of travel, with 80 vehicles at low rates and exceptional services, MIDA Rent a Car can provide you with a quality transport to suit your travel needs. 

Weather you are visiting Skopje or any other location in Macedonia, we are technically equipped and staffed to professionally respond to your requirements and add you to our list of invaluable clients and friends.

MIDA Rent a Car is looking forward to establishing a fruitful and successful cooperation.




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